Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Zero"- Australia

Zero from Zealous Creative on Vimeo.

By: Christoper Kezelos

This Australian film tells the setting is that of a fantasy world of yarn people. In this world, when a yarn person is born there is a number inscribed on their chest. The numbers range from 0 to 9 and the higher your number, the better your quality of life you will lead. Our particular story begins with the birth of a Zero. From the minute he enters the world, he is forced into a life of ridicule, embarrassment, and loneliness due to the way the 1-9's treat him and his Zero companions. Zero's are also not allowed to multiply and therefore any relationship for a Zero is illegal from the start, so when our Zero falls in love with a beautiful girl Zero the tables are turned upside down. This romantic, adorable story about fighting against what society believes is sure to bring a smile to your face.

I have to admit that this film captivated me from the minute I hit play. The initial realization that these people are entirely made up of yarn brings a cute factor to a normally serious topic of social class. The twist on how social class in this world is assigned from birth seems like it could have come from a children's book. Also, the narrator channels an almost Dr. Seuss feeling to the film without the rhyming. Throughout the film, Kezelos entices the audience with the beautiful use of stop-motion and narration to bring these voice-less little nothing's to life before our eyes.

One part I particularly liked was after our Zero had tried to save the girl Zero from being beat up by bigger numbers. After the larger numbered yarns turned off of her and started attacking our Zero, the screen goes dark to represent his unconsciousness. The screen slowly flickers back to an image of what appears to be a Yarn angel against the Moon lit sky. The screen flickers back to dark and back to the same image, but instead the audience realizes that this is the girl Zero that our Zero just saved. The simple shot was so beautiful and spoke volumes without any words actually being said. I think that Kezelos did an incredible job with this film and displaying a "grown-up" story in such a innocent way created the ability for many audience's to enjoy it from start to finish.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, when I first saw this film, I liked that the characters were made of yarn because of their childlike essence for a discussion of a serious topic or social class and even possible the topic of mixed races. Also, like most Americans, I like the happy ending after a pretty depressing short.
